Monday, July 31, 2006

Cricket goes for a toss: Close encounters of the 20/20 kind

For some, Twenty Twenty is an invitation for disaster. But cricket itself cannot be isolated from innovative concepts, albeit aimed at minting money by compromising on the core values of a game.

No one can doubt that Twenty Twenty would mean races to the boundaries and more hits above it. This would mean instant joys and instant money as viewers all over would rather watch a game with an ensured result and big hitting rather than a Test which need not necessarily produce a result.

For true connoisseurs of the willow, Twenty Twenty will be a relegation of the nuances of the game to plain hard hitting of the Dhoni kind.

They see scant regard to the skills of a bowler or batsman in this version, which is true. Sincere apologies, but Twenty Twenty is here to stay.

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