Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Da Vinci Code according to Damocles

The Code of Da Vinci was more like a sword of Damocles hanging over the Navi Mumbai theatre in which this poor soul was forced, dragged and cajoled to watch it.

It failed to trigger a shiver. Instead, the Tom Hanks starrer evoked a sense of disbelief at the way fiction was put through the filter of celluloid.

The Code is a disaster of a movie, and the suspense or apparent lack of it has made viewers squirm.

Now that wasn't the intention of the producers or for that matter Dan Brown or Tom Hanks, himself a credible filmmaker.

But the good thing about the code is that it is doing roaring business worldwide, despite the critics slamming it after its much awaited premiere at Cannes.

Now, when the book is a best seller and the adaptation is keenly awaited, expectations about the movie skyrocket.

That could be one reason for the disappointment at some quarters. And for those who haven't read the Da Vinci Code, the movie fails to give any reason to do so. Perhaps it should have
been vice versa. Tough luck.

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13. Please, no prizes for guessing that this is a Fibonacci sequence. To hell with it.

Click here for hatemails


Anonymous said...

the cube is obviously not impressed with the code... but then, who is..?!! well-writte, man.

