Sunday, July 02, 2006

The final trajectory

So Italy and Germany clash with history in Italy’s side and form and groundswell of support tilting to the hosts.

History really has little impact on a 90-minute game. So Germany is laughing its way to the final, but the Cup winner could still be a dark horse. It is tantalising to bet on Portugual.

Punters have gone for a toss but those who bet for betting’s sake can still make a killing.
So do we have a Germany vs Portugal final or a France vs Italy final?

One thing is sure, two of the four semi-finalists are there at the cost of better teams. So the best team cannot win, and we are not talking about Brazil. They got what they deserved.


Anonymous said...

since both my teams are out, i don't mind any tendi winning the world cup

bolo germany kee jai
bolo italy kee jai
bolo france kee jai
bolo portugal kee jai
bolo paamaran kee jai

Anonymous said...

since both my teams are out, i don't mind any tendi winning the world cup

bolo germany kee jai
bolo italy kee jai
bolo france kee jai
bolo portugal kee jai
bolo paamaran kee jai